Third Grade Art

Sunset and Moonlit Landscapes

Third grade has been learning about the elements of different landscapes, as well as, the different emotions associated with warm and cool colors.

We began by painting the backgrounds for our landscapes.

Students then sketched out the different parts of their landscapes they wanted to include.

After they sketches were apporved the students then drew they landscapes with white crayon on black construction paper.
Make sure the students only write on one side of the black paper. 
The students will glue the side of the construction paper with the crayon marks face down onto their painted backgrounds, in order to complete their landscapes.

Final Class Display!

They remind me of the tropical postcards you pick up in souvenir shops.

Third Grade Circle Weavings

Third Grade has been working on a weaving assignment for the past few classes. We began the assignment by viewing the Navajo weavings and looms. The third graders were introduced to the vocabulary associated with weaving (warp, weft, and loom). The students then completed a paper weaving, where they had to identify the different parts of a loom on their weavings. They then graduated from paper weaving to circle weaving with yarn.
Students struggled with this step, however they eventually got their circle looms strung!

Day two! Some are making more progess than others, but they are doing a great job!
Day three! They have started to add color and patterns to the spokes of their looms. These are going to be really great!
Day Four! Final day! These look amazing and I am so proud of the third graders!

So Proud!


  1. This is really cool Jackie! I don't think I had that skill in third grade with Mrs. Jochum hahaha

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